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Air Column Cushion Bag- Key Features & Benefits

Air Column Bag

Air Column Cushion Bag is a new kind of packing material. Compared with conventional packaging bag, they are cheaper and space saving. They are totally flat before inflating. Besides, they are water resistant and shock resistant. Air column bag is user-friendly and is an alternative packaging bag to conventional ones.

Air column bag can wrap the product in all directions and absor external impact force well during transportation. It can be designed into various shapes and sizes according to your requirement. Its components are biodegradable and won’t cause much pollution so it is also more and more popular in the current market.

The air colum bag is inflated with air before use, and the product is designed close to the product, so it has the following advantages:

①Save space and save trouble: Compared with traditional packaging, the space of the air column bag is small and the protection effect is better.

②Low cost: The production process is completely tailored to the computer, no need to manufacture molds, short delivery time and low cost.

③Easy packaging, improve protection, save freight, and reduce storage space.

④Recyclable, belonging to category 7 recycling standards.

⑤It can also provide seismic protection for long-term storage and airtightness.


Our ColumnAir bag is made of two layers of PE films with air valve film in between, and heat pressed with a high temperature mold to melt them together and create air columns and shapes, so inflatable air columns can have a variety of styles and and types.


Customers are increasingly turning away from traditional packaging materials in favor of sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives, so it is important to ensure that the packaging materials your company offers are sustainable and eco-friendly. The company’s commitment to using more environmentally responsible packaging will boost brand image and portray the company as socially responsible in the eyes of customers. Using more environmentally responsible and sustainable packaging also saves money in the long run.

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